Submit Your Gospel Advocate Classified/Travel Ad Online


Simply fill out the following form to submit a classified ad to Gospel Advocate Magazine. Classifieds are $4.00 per line, with a minimum charge of $16.00 per issue. All ads are subject to review for clarity and approval by the publisher. Call 1-800-251-8446 for a quote or more information. Ads run in the first available issue.

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Billing Information

Church / Org
Address 1*
Address 2
State* Zip*

Phone Number*

Number of Issues*

The Text of Your Ad*

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Simply fill out the following form to submit a travel ad to Gospel Advocate Magazine. Travel ads are $4.00 per line, with a minimum charge of $16.00 per issue. All ads are subject to review for clarity and approval by the publisher. Call 1-800-251-8446 for a quote or more information. Ads run in the first available issue.

*Required Fields

Billing Information

Church / Org
Address 1*
Address 2
State* Zip*


Number of Issues*

The Text of Your Ad*

Please proof the text above, as a preview of the ad will not be displayed before submitting.

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